Enigma: The Series
Although it sometimes seems like there’s not terribly much on Vision TV (http://www.visiontv.ca) of relevance to pagans, I’ve been happily surprised with a series called “Enigma”, running on Wednesdays (and repeated on other nights). Past offerings have included profiles of Jack Parsons, a rocket pioneer and early science fiction fan who was a member of the O.T.O. and associate of L. Ron Hubbard; of modern-day table-tippers (one group conjuring up the spirit of a totally-invented character); and of Jeff McBride, a stage magician who, finding himself headlining his own show in Las Vegas in his 20’s, began a spiritual quest, incorporated deeper materials into his act, and now runs a Mystery School. Upcoming episodes cover the Fox sisters - a pair of 19th Century spiritualists (one of whom in later years confessed to being a fraud), and a three-part series on Freemasonry. Definitely recommended for anyone looking into the bigger picture of our spirituality.
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