Sunday, August 31, 2008

September, 2008

Happy September, everyone.

First, the news… Evergreen Introductory classes are slated to begin Wednesday, October 15 for four weeks, plus the fifth on Monday, November 10. If you’ve been interested in beginning our classes, mark your calendars.

Rather than a formal event, Calgary Pagan Pride Day is happening as a picnic on Sept. 20, and they’re also doing a pathway cleanup at Eau Claire on the 13th. The 13th is also the annual “Women’s Take Back the Night March”, perhaps more relevant lately in the face of all the gang violence in the city.

Details are a little sparse, but Druid author Brendan (Cathbad) Myers will be in Calgary the weekend of Sep. 19-21 for two workshops with the Covenant of Gaia, and a brunch on Sep. 21 hosted by Awen Grove. See links below for further information.

For those of you who have been wondering, Margarian is still slowly recovering from her illness of last winter. She’s recently had blood tests to try to determine why her stamina is still so low, and we’re currently waiting on the results. In the meantime, she still hasn’t made the trip to Toronto to deal with her late mother’s house, and my summer vacation has been on hold as a result.

I can feel in autumn coming in my weekly morning commute; the sun just rising, the mountains painted pink in sunrise glow, with occasional fresh dustings of snow. Morning sun on the skyscrapers gives the downtown a mythic quality, belying the stress and Mammon-worship that goes on there. The mornings are cooler, the leaves a little paler, and the birds, which have been flying in pairs and family groups, are beginning to gather for migration.

No book review this month; I’ve been enjoying The Bull of Minos by Leonard Cottrell. It’s a 1955 account of the discoveries at Troy and Mycenae by Heinrich Schliemann, and at Knossos, Crete by Sir Arthur Evans. (Both Schliemann and Evans were real characters, which adds to the story). I’ve also begun reading Wicca 333: Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief by Kaatryn MacMorgan. A little preachy, but food for thought. For recreation, I’ve also been re-reading Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson’s Illuminatus! trilogy, the cult classic conspiracy-theory spoof from the 1970’s.

September's Birthdays: Lee G., Frank S., Carla M., Cathryn B., Mordwyn, Mysteel, and probably some of my Facebook friends.

September Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement is necessarily implied. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.

Aug. 30, 1:58 p.m. New Moon. Coll (Hazel) lunar month begins.
Aug. 30 – Sept. 1: Calgary Tattoo and Arts Festival. Info:
Sep. 1: Labour Day.
Sep. 4: The Eclectic Circle, led by SpiritnSoul, Info:
Sept. 5: Calgary Pagan Book Club discusses Farrar & Farrar’s Witches Bible. Facebook: Calgary Pagan Book Club.
Sep. 6: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Sep. 13, 12:00 noon: Calgary Pagan Pride Day Pathway Cleanup at Eau Claire. Facebook: Pagan Pride Pathway Cleanup
Sep. 13, 7:30 p.m.: Women’s Take Back the Night March, starting at Central Memorial Park. Info:
Sep. 15, 3:13 a.m.: Full (Harvest) Moon.
Sep. 16, 7:00 p.m.: Calgary Witches Meetup, hosted by yhos, in north Calgary. Info:
Sep. 19-21: Workshops with author Brendan (Cathbad) Myers, sponsored by the Covenant of Gaia. Info: see Sept. 6, or visit
Sep. 20: Calgary Pagan Pride Day Picnic, at Fish Creek Park.
Sep. 20, 3:00 p.m.: Haunted Pub Tour, at Cat & Fiddle Pub. Facebook: Calgary Haunted Pub Tour.
Sep. 20, 7:30 p.m.: COGCOA Mabon Ritual.
Sep. 21, 10:00 a.m. Sunday Brunch with Brendan (Cathbad) Myers at Kilkenny’s Irish Pub in Brentwood (500, 3630 Brentwood Road NW), hosted by Awen Grove. Info:
Sep. 22, 9:44 a.m.: Autumnal Equinox.
Sep. 25, 6:00 p.m.: Calgary Druid Meetup – Autumn Equinox Ritual, hosted by Athelia.
Sep. 29, 2:12 a.m.: New Moon. Muin (Vine) lunar month begins.



Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for your almanack, it's very useful. I can't seem to find any more information about this year's Pagan Pride Day (like where in fish creek, time) anywhere on the net. Could you direct me to the website, e-mail, or person I need to phone? Thank you for your time.
- Janet

11:13 am  
Blogger Stephen Hergest said...

Thanks, Janet. I should have mentioned that Calgary Pagan Pride Day has a Yahoo! Group at, and any details should be published there.


12:55 pm  
Blogger Sheena said...

There is no Actual Pagan Pride Day event this year, the picnic was being discussed but volunteers were sparse, and the co-coordinator too busy to do it herself.

So if you wanted to come out to CPPD feel free to help the pagan community give back to Calgary and Mother Earth with a group walk and litter pick up on Sept 13.

If you booked off the weekend of Sept 20 for CPPD and now realize it isnt happening. why not attend one of Dr. Brendan Myers' Talks instead. For more info on him visit
For Details about his Talks visit
"Brendan Myers is one of the most important neopagan voices now alive” - Isaac Bonewits

(PS There is no connection between CPPD and Brendan Myers visit, He is just cool in my opinion which is why I wanted him to come here)

4:16 pm  

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