June, 2010
As I write this, it’s May 29, and in Calgary, there are two inches of wet snow on the ground, not untypical for the weekend after the traditional May long weekend planting orgy.
I’ve long thought that the local mythology shouldn’t be a case of the two battling deities each ruling one half of the year, but instead carrying on an ongoing battle year ‘round. Horus and Set, Njord and Skadi, the Oak and Holly Kings, the Snow Queen and the Summer Queen, the North Wind and the West Wind, Gwyn ap Nudd and Gwythur ap Greidawl... take your pick. To quote one of my favourite TV series, they sit on a hillside somewhere near Red Deer, and the dark one turns to the light one and says, “Do you know how much I want to kill you right now?”
(Why Red Deer, non-Albertans may ask? Because when driving between Calgary and Edmonton, it seems the weather always changes dramatically about there.)
Rain, snow, or hopefully sun, the Summer Solstice is coming, and I’ll be leading a solstice sunrise vigil in Strathcona again in the early hours of June 21. If you’d like to join me, let me know. Breakfast at Timmie’s to follow.
If you haven’t done so already, it might be a good idea to send some energy to BP’s efforts in the Gulf of Mexico to shut down that haemorrhaging well, and prevent the ecological disaster from getting any worse.
June's Birthdays: Nicole G., Bev T. Colleen W, Dawn L., Joie, Sierra, Michelle B, Mimi, himself, and probably some of his Facebook friends. Let me know if I’ve missed yours. Also: Allisandro di Cagliostro (June 2, 1743), William Butler Yeats (June 13, 1865), Gerald B. Gardner (June 13, 1884), Starhawk (June 17), Janet Farrar (June 24), Stewart Farrar (June 26), and Scott Cunningham (June 27, 1956). Busy month!
June Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.
May 30, 10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.: Calgary Lilac Festival on 4th St. SW. Info: http://www.4streetcalgary.com/lilacfestival/
May 30- Jun. 5: Canadian National Environment Week. Info:
Jun. 2: Clean Air Day. Info: http://www.cleanairday.com
Jun. 2, 7:04 p.m.: New Moon. Duir (Oak) lunar month begins.
Jun. 5: World Environment Day.
Jun. 5: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Jun. 11-13: VulCon 17/GalaxyFest in Vulcan with guest Tim Russ (“Tuvok” from ST:Voyager). Info:
Jun. 12: COGCOA Litha Ritual
Jun. 15, 7:30 p.m.: Calgary Witches’ Meetup, hosted by moi, in south Calgary. Info: http://www.meetup.com/Calgary-Witches
Jun. 20: Father’s Day.
Jun. 21: National Aboriginal Day (hey, what about us European aboriginals?)
Jun. 21, 4:45 a.m. Solstice Sunrise Vigil. Contact me for details.
Jun. 21, 5:28 a.m. Summer Solstice.
Jun. 21-27: Calgary Jazz Festival. Info: http://www.calgaryjazz.com/
Jun. 25-27: COGCOA Summerfest Campout; “Pirates of the Kananaskis”. Info: http://www.cogcoa.ab.ca/events/summerfest.php
Jun. 26, 5:30 a.m.: Full (Strawberry) Moon.
I’ve long thought that the local mythology shouldn’t be a case of the two battling deities each ruling one half of the year, but instead carrying on an ongoing battle year ‘round. Horus and Set, Njord and Skadi, the Oak and Holly Kings, the Snow Queen and the Summer Queen, the North Wind and the West Wind, Gwyn ap Nudd and Gwythur ap Greidawl... take your pick. To quote one of my favourite TV series, they sit on a hillside somewhere near Red Deer, and the dark one turns to the light one and says, “Do you know how much I want to kill you right now?”
(Why Red Deer, non-Albertans may ask? Because when driving between Calgary and Edmonton, it seems the weather always changes dramatically about there.)
Rain, snow, or hopefully sun, the Summer Solstice is coming, and I’ll be leading a solstice sunrise vigil in Strathcona again in the early hours of June 21. If you’d like to join me, let me know. Breakfast at Timmie’s to follow.
If you haven’t done so already, it might be a good idea to send some energy to BP’s efforts in the Gulf of Mexico to shut down that haemorrhaging well, and prevent the ecological disaster from getting any worse.
June's Birthdays: Nicole G., Bev T. Colleen W, Dawn L., Joie, Sierra, Michelle B, Mimi, himself, and probably some of his Facebook friends. Let me know if I’ve missed yours. Also: Allisandro di Cagliostro (June 2, 1743), William Butler Yeats (June 13, 1865), Gerald B. Gardner (June 13, 1884), Starhawk (June 17), Janet Farrar (June 24), Stewart Farrar (June 26), and Scott Cunningham (June 27, 1956). Busy month!
June Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.
May 30, 10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.: Calgary Lilac Festival on 4th St. SW. Info: http://www.4streetcalgary.com/lilacfestival/
May 30- Jun. 5: Canadian National Environment Week. Info:
Jun. 2: Clean Air Day. Info: http://www.cleanairday.com
Jun. 2, 7:04 p.m.: New Moon. Duir (Oak) lunar month begins.
Jun. 5: World Environment Day.
Jun. 5: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Jun. 11-13: VulCon 17/GalaxyFest in Vulcan with guest Tim Russ (“Tuvok” from ST:Voyager). Info:
Jun. 12: COGCOA Litha Ritual
Jun. 15, 7:30 p.m.: Calgary Witches’ Meetup, hosted by moi, in south Calgary. Info: http://www.meetup.com/Calgary-Witches
Jun. 20: Father’s Day.
Jun. 21: National Aboriginal Day (hey, what about us European aboriginals?)
Jun. 21, 4:45 a.m. Solstice Sunrise Vigil. Contact me for details.
Jun. 21, 5:28 a.m. Summer Solstice.
Jun. 21-27: Calgary Jazz Festival. Info: http://www.calgaryjazz.com/
Jun. 25-27: COGCOA Summerfest Campout; “Pirates of the Kananaskis”. Info: http://www.cogcoa.ab.ca/events/summerfest.php
Jun. 26, 5:30 a.m.: Full (Strawberry) Moon.
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