Sunday, July 03, 2011

July, 2011

Happy July, everyone.

We had about 6 people up for sunrise on the 21st. The sky was clear, and the ravens were cawing, the robins were chirping (one sat on a stone in front of us, enjoying the view), and something (reportedly a pheasant) was even trying to crow that morning. Much thanks to those who came!

Margarian finally had her surgery on June 23. She still feels like she’s been kicked in the stomach, but is looking forward to five days of training in mid-July (I’ll need to join her myself for a day or three). Generally, her colour is good and she has more energy, though the surgery has been a bit of a setback in her recovery. Thanks again for all the good wishes. As for me, it looks like my Toronto trip will be postponed until mid-August, by which time she should be settled into her new regimen.

Condolences to Caroline, on the recent loss of her father.

Happy anniversary to Christine and Michael on July 25!

July's Birthdays: Tash L., Leanne, L.S., Jill H., Liz L., Sean, Caroline, Kerri, Jen T, and probably some of my Facebook friends (another busy month!). Also H.P. Blavatsky (July 31, 1831). Let me know if I’ve missed yours.

July Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.

Jul. 1: Canada Day
Jul. 1, 2:54 a.m.: New (Father’s) Moon. Tinne (Holly) lunar month begins.
Jul. 2: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Jul. 6, 7:00 p.m.: Crossroads Meetup. Info:
Jul. 8-17: Festival of local god, Ia-hu, marked by sacrifices of cattle and the occasional horse.
Jul. 15, 12:40 a.m.: Full (Buck) Moon.
Jul 15-17: COGCOA Summerfest Campout: “Hallowe’en in July”. Info:
Jul. 19, 7:30 p.m.: Calgary Witches’ Meetup, hosted by moi, in north Calgary. Info:
Jul. 21: Simmer.
Jul. 21-24: Calgary Folk Festival. Info:
Jul. 23, 7:30 p.m. sharp: COGCOA Lammas Ritual.
Jul. 29 – Aug. 1: PanFest: “Air Moves Us”. Edmonton-based pagan festival, on a lake in central Alberta. Info:
Jul. 30, 12:40 p.m.: New (Nesting) Moon. Lunar month of Coll (Hazel) begins.


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