Two Steps Forward...
Lughnasadh, everyone!
I have to
keep this short this month. As some of
you know, Margarian had a fall in our backyard a couple of weeks ago, tried to
break her fall by grabbing a fencepost, but wound up dislocating her
shoulder. As I result, I’ve had to be
her left arm since then, living at the house, and adding to my caregiver
duties. I’ve been visiting our cats regularly, but they’re starting to wonder
if I still live there anymore.
Mar is doing
better; she’s graduated from an immobilizing sling to a foamrubber strap, but
it’ll be a while before she’s properly back in circulation.
In other
news, her mother’s house in Toronto sold in less
than a week, after I spent two weeks there last month completing the task of
emptying it out. It sold for slightly over the asking price, and closing is
scheduled for the end of this month. The new owner is apparently expert at
performing the extensive renovations the place needs.
Birthdays: Cathie M., Moksha,
Raine, and some of my Facebook friends. Let me know if I’ve missed yours.
Congratulations to Andrea and Ian on their upcoming wedding on August 4!
Candles in the window for Jennifer-Lynn and Samantha.
August Events:
Note these
events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change;
see the source for details. If I’ve
missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.
Aug. 1, 12:52 p.m.: Full (Sturgeon)
Aug. 1, 7:00 p.m.: Beyond the Book of Shadows Meetup Social Moot. Info:
Aug. 3-6: Panfest at Pigeon Lake
near Edmonton. “Alberta’s Premier Pagan Festival”. Info:
Aug. 3-11: Calgary Fringe Festival. Info:
Aug. 4, 8:00 p.m.: Femme Fatale 6 -
Cabaret Noir -- fundraiser for Marsha Ellen Meidow Foundation, at Dickens Pub.
Tickets (while they last) $25 at the door.
Aug. 4, 7:30 p.m.: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info at cogcoa dot ab dot ca.
Aug. 5, 11:30 p.m. : Curiosity Rover scheduled to land on Mars.
Aug. 6: Civic Holiday .
Aug. 10-12: When Words
Collide, at Village Park Inn, with Kevin J. Anderson, Kelley Armstrong, Anthony
Bidulka, Vanessa Cardui, and Rebecca Moestra.
Aug. 11-12: Brooks Medieval Faire, in Brooks. Info:
Aug. 14 –Sep. 8: Evil Dead – The Musical at Pumphouse Theatre.
Aug. 17, 9:54 p.m.: New Moon. CelticTree Month of Coll (Hazel) begins.
Aug. 21, 7:30 p.m. : Calgary Witches’
Meetup in south Calgary . Info:
Aug. 31, 7:58 a.m.: Full (Red)
Moon. Also Blue Moon.
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