Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April, 2007

March was a very difficult month, both for some of us in the Evergreen family and in the lives of those close to us. In particular, my thoughts go out to Searia and Henry, to Andrea, to Caroline and to Linda, as well as to Mimi. If there’s anything Margarian and I can do, let us know. Special thanks to Heather Dawn, Caroline, and Spirit for being there when needed. Here’s hoping that April brings healing and fresh beginnings. Love and light to you all.

As I mentioned last month, one of my recent reads (thanks, Kate!) was Chas Clifton’s Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America (AltaMira Press, 2006). It’s a thin volume, covering mainly the period between the early Sixties and 1980, but I think it’s a worthy addition to the body of pagan scholarship.
Perhaps one of the things that really struck me was Clifton’s three definitions of “nature religion”: 1) “Cosmic Nature” – the philosophy of “as above, so below” that drives magic and divination; 2) “Gaian Nature” – the philosophy that as we are part of natural world, we should live in harmony with it; and 3) “Embodied Nature” – the primal, body-centred, erotic aspects of paganism.
Sometimes pagans play “witchier than thou” games with each other, saying that only one or another of these is ”really important”. Clifton’s perspective supports the notion that all of these perspectives are valid.

The women’s chant group, EnChantress, is gearing up for their appearance at the Women in Spirituality Gala Event at Scarboro United Church on May 9. This is an annual multi-faith event remembering the Divine Feminine and the spiritual mothers in a number of faiths. More information to come.

I also note the sudden passing of Wolf Lazaurus on March 16. I met Wolf on a number of occasions, beginning at the ill-fated Alberta Pagan Association meeting in Red Deer in 2000. In his own way, he tried to serve the Calgary pagan community, and won the affection of more than a few people in the process. Still, it seems to me that he wanted fame and fortune so badly that he took shortcuts, and these sometimes led him down dark paths into questionable company. In the end, perhaps he pushed his luck once too often. Love him or hate him, we must remember that his story is not yet over; the last chapter will not be written until those responsible for his death are put to justice.

Birthdays this month: Margot Adler (Apr. 16), Ed Fitch (Apr. 29). Anyone else?

Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement is necessarily implied. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.

Apr. 1: Hay-on-Wye Independence Day. Settle down with a good used book. Long live the people of Hay!
Apr. 1, 7:30 p.m: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info: info@cogcoa.ab.ca
Apr. 2, 11:15 a.m.: Full (Pink) Moon.
Apr. 3: EnChantress Rehearsal. Info: http://www.myspace.com/enchantresscalgary
Apr. 3: COGCOA “Meet the God” Night.
Apr. 5: Calgary Pagan Meet, hosted by Lugh. Info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Calgarypaganmeetup/
Apr. 5-8: Spring Mysteries Festival XXII near Nordland, WA. Info: http://www.aquatabch.org
Apr. 7: Pagan Pathways Conference in Edmonton. Lady Susan Alabaster will be the keynote speaker.
Apr. 10: EnChantress Rehearsal
Apr. 13: Pagan Night Out. Info:
Apr 17: EnChantress Rehearsal
Apr. 17, 5:36 a.m.: New Moon. Saille (Willow) lunar month begins.
Apr. 17, 6:00 p.m.: Calgary Druid Meetup, hosted by Athelia. http://druid.meetup.com/93
Apr. 17, 7:00 p.m.: Calgary Witches Meetup, hosted by yours truly, in south Calgary. Info: http://witches.meetup.com/1322/
Apr. 21: Alberta Wilderness Association Climb and Run for Wilderness at the Calgary Tower. Registration: http://climbforwilderness.ca
Apr. 21, 3:00 p.m.: Blood Proud – for pagan women, sponsored by Pucchotha Tribes. Info: 293-8339
Apr. 21, 7:00 p.m: Terra Firma – for pagan men, sponsored by Pucchotha Tribes. Info: 293-8339
Apr. 22, 10:30 a.m.: Earth Day Multigenerational Service at Unitarian Church of Calgary, 1703 – 1 Street NW.
Apr. 22, 12:00 – 5:00 p.m: Earth Day Events at Telus World of Science, 701 -11 Street S.W. Info: http://www.calgaryscience.ca
Apr. 23: An Evening with Al Gore, at Jack Singer Hall. Tickets at Ticketmaster.
Apr. 24: EnChantress Rehearsal

May 5-6: Calgary Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show at West Hillhurst Arena. Info: http://www.crlc.ca/
May 9, 7:00 sharp: Women In Spirituality Gala Event at Scarboro United Church.
May 18-21: Gaia Gathering, 3rd Annual Canadian National Pagan Conference, in Winnipeg. Info: http://www.gaiagathering.ca/
To June 3: Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Art of the Ancient Mediterranean World, at the Glenbow Museum.

Bright blessings,