Gaia Gathering 2007
Happy June, everyone!
As I mentioned in May, Margarian and I attended the third Canadian National Pagan Conference in Winnipeg on the May long weekend. Attendance was about 100, including six that I know of from Calgary. Guest of Honour Tim Ward presented two slide shows based on his book, Savage Breast, attended a number of the panels, was very visible and was obviously enjoying himself immensely.
In addition to the slideshows, we attended presentations by pagan scholars, participated in the “Pagan Tavern Cackle Choir” (which sang at the Sunday night concert), attended panels on Our Rights as Pagans, Death and Dying in a Pagan Context, and “Why Churches?”, as well as led a discussion on the Art of Teaching Paganism. I enjoyed reconnecting with Castalia, the musician and Alexandrian High Priestess who passed through Calgary last summer, and who was the third member of our panel. Next year’s Gaia Gathering is in Ottawa, and I’m hoping to attend.
Midsummer is coming, and with it, I’ll be leading a sunrise vigil on a certain hillside in southwest Calgary on Friday, June 22. (Evergreen has had a continuing presence there for the solstices since the early ‘90s.) Although the Summer Solstice is actually shortly after noon on June 21, this will be the first sunrise after the Solstice. If you’re interested in attending, e-mail me.
Calgary Pagan Pride Day 2007 is tentatively scheduled for September 23, but it needs your support! Morgan is the sole co-ordinator this year, and doing it on her own cognizance (i.e. not on behalf of any particular group). I was the only other person to attend the recent information session; admittedly it was on a pleasant weekend afternoon, but it was disappointing nevertheless. There’s a distinct possibility that unless more interest is shown from the community within the next three weeks, CPPD as such may not happen. She’s not specifically looking for other organizers (although help with distributing flyers would be welcome), but rather expressions of interest in participating. For information and discussion, please join or visit the yahoo group at :
Birthdays this month: Raine, Dawn, Sierra, Wendy A., Michelle B, Mimi, and some old HP. Also (from Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook): Alessandro di Cagliostro, (June 2, 1743), Gerald B. Gardner (June 13, 1884), Janet Farrar (June 24), Stewart Farrar (June 26, 1916), and Scott Cunningham (June 27, 1956). Esteemed company, truly!
June Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement is necessarily implied. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.
June 2, 7:30 p.m: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info: info at
June 3-9: National Environment Week
June 5-7. 9:00 a.m. –3:00 p.m.: Mayor’s Environment Expo at City Hall Atrium.
June 6: Clean Air Day. Info:
June 13, 6:00 p.m. Temple of Alexandria Society AGM. Info:
June 13: Pagan Night Out. Info:
June 14, 9:13 p.m.: New Moon. Duir (Oak) lunar month begins.
June 16, 3:00 p.m.: Blood Proud – for pagan women, sponsored by Pucchotha Tribes.
June 16, 7:00 p.m.: Terra Firma – for pagan men, sponsored by Pucchotha Tribes.
June 19, 6:00 p.m.: Calgary Druid Meetup, hosted by Athelia.
June 19, 7:00 p.m.: Calgary Witches Meetup, hosted by “some old HP”, who will be accepting condolences of the day in south Calgary. Info:
June 21, 12:06 p.m. Summer Solstice. Sun enters Cancer.
June 21, 7:00 p.m. Pagan Paths, at the Witchery. Info:
June 22, 4:45 a.m.: Solstice Sunrise vigil. Contact me for details.
June 22-24: COGCOA Summerfest campout in the Kananaskis. Info:
June 30, 7:49 p.m.: Full (Strawberry) Moon.
Bright blessings,
As I mentioned in May, Margarian and I attended the third Canadian National Pagan Conference in Winnipeg on the May long weekend. Attendance was about 100, including six that I know of from Calgary. Guest of Honour Tim Ward presented two slide shows based on his book, Savage Breast, attended a number of the panels, was very visible and was obviously enjoying himself immensely.
In addition to the slideshows, we attended presentations by pagan scholars, participated in the “Pagan Tavern Cackle Choir” (which sang at the Sunday night concert), attended panels on Our Rights as Pagans, Death and Dying in a Pagan Context, and “Why Churches?”, as well as led a discussion on the Art of Teaching Paganism. I enjoyed reconnecting with Castalia, the musician and Alexandrian High Priestess who passed through Calgary last summer, and who was the third member of our panel. Next year’s Gaia Gathering is in Ottawa, and I’m hoping to attend.
Midsummer is coming, and with it, I’ll be leading a sunrise vigil on a certain hillside in southwest Calgary on Friday, June 22. (Evergreen has had a continuing presence there for the solstices since the early ‘90s.) Although the Summer Solstice is actually shortly after noon on June 21, this will be the first sunrise after the Solstice. If you’re interested in attending, e-mail me.
Calgary Pagan Pride Day 2007 is tentatively scheduled for September 23, but it needs your support! Morgan is the sole co-ordinator this year, and doing it on her own cognizance (i.e. not on behalf of any particular group). I was the only other person to attend the recent information session; admittedly it was on a pleasant weekend afternoon, but it was disappointing nevertheless. There’s a distinct possibility that unless more interest is shown from the community within the next three weeks, CPPD as such may not happen. She’s not specifically looking for other organizers (although help with distributing flyers would be welcome), but rather expressions of interest in participating. For information and discussion, please join or visit the yahoo group at :
Birthdays this month: Raine, Dawn, Sierra, Wendy A., Michelle B, Mimi, and some old HP. Also (from Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook): Alessandro di Cagliostro, (June 2, 1743), Gerald B. Gardner (June 13, 1884), Janet Farrar (June 24), Stewart Farrar (June 26, 1916), and Scott Cunningham (June 27, 1956). Esteemed company, truly!
June Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only; no endorsement is necessarily implied. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.
June 2, 7:30 p.m: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info: info at
June 3-9: National Environment Week
June 5-7. 9:00 a.m. –3:00 p.m.: Mayor’s Environment Expo at City Hall Atrium.
June 6: Clean Air Day. Info:
June 13, 6:00 p.m. Temple of Alexandria Society AGM. Info:
June 13: Pagan Night Out. Info:
June 14, 9:13 p.m.: New Moon. Duir (Oak) lunar month begins.
June 16, 3:00 p.m.: Blood Proud – for pagan women, sponsored by Pucchotha Tribes.
June 16, 7:00 p.m.: Terra Firma – for pagan men, sponsored by Pucchotha Tribes.
June 19, 6:00 p.m.: Calgary Druid Meetup, hosted by Athelia.
June 19, 7:00 p.m.: Calgary Witches Meetup, hosted by “some old HP”, who will be accepting condolences of the day in south Calgary. Info:
June 21, 12:06 p.m. Summer Solstice. Sun enters Cancer.
June 21, 7:00 p.m. Pagan Paths, at the Witchery. Info:
June 22, 4:45 a.m.: Solstice Sunrise vigil. Contact me for details.
June 22-24: COGCOA Summerfest campout in the Kananaskis. Info:
June 30, 7:49 p.m.: Full (Strawberry) Moon.
Bright blessings,