Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cause for Hope

Happy December, everyone.

‘Tis the season… to express my appreciation and love for all of you who receive this newsletter. If I don’t connect with you otherwise this month, have a happy Yule!

As some of you know, Margarian and I have been regularly leading a semi-annual Solstice Sunrise Vigil on a very special hillside in SW Calgary, and we're doing it again on Saturday, Dec. 22, meeting at 7:45 a.m. Dress very warmly, as it can be windy, and we may be out there for an hour or so. (Less, if it’s really inclement). If you're interested in attending, contact me for location.

The Very Rev. Bill Phipps is the former Moderator of the United Church of Canada, and now the retired minister of Scarboro United Church in Calgary. We’ve met a number of times through inter-faith events, and I consider him a rarity in this city, a man I truly admire. His new book, Cause for Hope: Humanity at the Crossroads, may be his personal credo. The book looks at the prevailing narrative of our society, the patriarchal “Old Story” of unbalanced power, entitlement, corruption, fear, and greed (the list goes on) and how it is destroying the Earth and humanity. He outlines the emerging of a “New Story” characterized by wonder, respect, co-operation, humility, empowerment, interdependence… I think you can fill in the blanks. Cause for Hope is perhaps not so much about specific causes or steps we can take (although that certainly can be inferred) than it is about our own attitudes, and the ways we relate to each other and to the planet. It is a strong statement for hope in often frustrating times. The book’s appendices include the Earth Charter (see; Raffi’s visionary “Covenant for Honouring Children” ( ; and excerpts from Rev. Phipps’ 1997 “Is Jesus God?” interview with the Ottawa Citizen that raised conservative eyebrows.

December's Birthdays: Jessica C., Searia, Azrael, Heather Dawn, and probably some of my other Facebook friends.

December Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me. Next deadline: Dec. 28.

Nov. 29–Dec. 2: Festival of Crafts at the Roundup Centre. Info:
Dec. 1: World AIDS Day.
Dec. 1: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info: info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Dec. 8: COGCOA Yule Ritual.
Dec. 10, 10:40 a.m.: New Moon. Ruis (Elder) lunar month begins.
Dec. 13: Pagan Night Out. Info:
Dec. 15, 6:00 p.m.: Community Yule Potluck. Info:
Dec. 18, 7:00 p.m.: Calgary Witches Meetup, hosted by yours truly, in south Calgary. Proceeds to, and non-perishable donations accepted for, the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank. Info:
Dec. 21, 11:08 p.m.: Winter Solstice. Sun enters Capricorn.
Dec. 22, 7:45 a.m.: Solstice Sunrise Vigil. Contact me for location.
Dec. 23, 6:16 p.m.: Full (Cold) Moon.
Dec. 27, 6:00 p.m.: Calgary Druid Meetup, hosted by Athelia.
