Saturday, October 02, 2010


Happy October, all.

As some of you know, I have both happy and sad news to report:

The sad news is the passing of Catherine S., also known as Celtic Rowena and Magickeltia, on September 16, after a recurrence of her battle with cancer. Catherine was an accomplished artist, had participated in the Pagan and Witches Meetups, and had sung with EnChantress at Women in Spirituality and COGCOA. She received her Evergreen First Degree in January of this year. Her Requiem was held on September 26 before friends, family, and Craft family. Thanks to Heather Dawn, Caroline, and Gayle for their support during Catherine’s last days, and to all those who participated in the Requiem. Catherine will be missed, and remembered.

The happy news is the wedding and handfasting of Brenda G. to her beloved Carl on September 18. It was an outdoor, evening ceremony under less-than-ideal weather conditions before her friends and family, but everything went well. Thanks to Michelle, Sean, Erin, and Unitarian Lay Chaplain Maryanna Kovar for their valuable participation and assistance. Congratulations to all!

I spent a couple of weeks in Toronto last month, continuing the slow process of staging the house for sale, though I left the heavy lifting to the professionals this time around. We/they managed to fill a 5’ x 8’ x 10’ truck with junk from the basement (with an estimated ½ truck to go), and cleared out most of the attic, moving its contents into two bedrooms on the second floor. I would perhaps have managed to clear out even more, but the land line developed severe static and cut out, leaving me without it for about three days. Luckily my cel phone had coverage in Toronto, though I’m not looking forward to my next bill.

October's Birthdays: Danni, Christine S., Jo, Kellie, Jennifer Lynn, Linda, and probably some of my Facebook friends. Let me know if I’ve missed yours.

October Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.

Oct. 2: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Oct. 6, 7:00 p.m.: Crossroads Meetup Trivia Night at the Unicorn. Info:
Oct. 7, 12:44 p.m.: New Moon. Gort (Ivy) lunar month begins.
Oct. 11: Thanksgiving.
Oct. 15-17: Con-Version, with guests from ST: TNG, and HeroIncredible! Info:
Oct. 15-17: Alberta Bound Tattoo & Arts Festival. Info:
Oct. 18: Calgary Civic Election. Get out and vote!
Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.: Calgary Witches’ Meetup, hosted by moi , in south Calgary. Info:
Oct. 22, 7:37 a.m.: Full (Hunter’s) Moon.
Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m. sharp: COGCOA Samhain Ritual
Oct. 31, 2:30 p.m.: The Music of Harry Potter at the CPO. Info:
Nov. 7: Daylight Savings Time ends. Fall back!
