Thursday, November 03, 2011

Hot Fudge Tuesdae?

Blessed Samhain, everyone.

As some of you know, we bought a new house this month. Margarian’s dialysis regime currently entails bringing in about a ton of supplies every month (incidentally providing us with an ongoing supply of small boxes suitable for moving books or other small heavy items). My late Dad’s apartment is now too small to support her, so we found a house in a ritzy section of Hawkwood, making me feel a bit like Jed Clampett. Still, we came upon our money the old-fashioned way… we inherited it, and playing on the market difference between Toronto and Calgary is a big help. But we’re still part of the 99%. The hard part of amalgamating three properties will continue for a few months, but whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, eh? Speaking of which…

On November 8, Asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass within 0.85 Lunar Distances of Earth, cutting across the orbit of the Moon to the west of it. Likely nothing will happen, but if I don’t publish next month, you’ll know why… if you’re around to notice. Years ago, in Lucifer’s Hammer, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle likened a comet to a hot fudge sundae smashing into the Earth. Since their fictional doomsday was scheduled for a Tuesday, they called it “Hot Fudge Tuesdae”, and I’ve been using that as shorthand for celestial disaster ever since. Curiously the 8th is a Tuesday… Info:

This month, I’ll again be growing a moustache to fight Prostate Cancer. If you’d like to donate, visit and look for me under my legal name...

Congratulations this month to Heather C. who received her Evergreen (and Blackring) First Degree on October 29. And hearty congratulations to Caroline, on her first initiation, and producing our first Craft grandchild!

November Birthdays: This month the magic mirror turns to Helen L., Christine L., Bernie M., Sue D., and probably some of my Facebook friends. Let me know if I’ve missed yours.

November Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.

Nov. 5: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info (at) cogcoa (dot) ab (dot) ca
Nov. 6: Daylight Savings Time ends. Fall back!
Nov. 8: Hot Fudge Tuesdae (see above). Rest of month may be cancelled.
Nov. 9: Hekate’s Crossroads Full Moon Ritual. Info:
Nov. 10, 1:16 p.m.: Full (Beaver) Moon.
Nov. 10-13: Taboo: Naughty but Nice Sex Show. Info:
Nov. 11: Remembrance Day.
Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m.: Calgary Witches’ Meetup, hosted by moi, in south Calgary. Info:
Nov. 17-20: Art Market Craft Sale at Telus Convention Centre. Info:
Nov. 23: Ember.
Nov. 24: Mercury Retrograde until December 14.
Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m.: Vanessa Cardui Thought Experiment CD Release Party, at Cantos Music Foundation, Second Floor, 134-11 Ave. SE.
Nov. 24, 11:10 p.m.: New (Birth) Moon. Lunar month of Ruis (Elder) begins.
