Monday, June 25, 2012

July, 2012

Happy July, everybody.

This is going out early, as I’ll be off in Toronto for a couple of weeks completing the job of emptying Mar’s mother’s house, and getting ready to finally(!) put it on the market.

Condolences to the family of Belinda S. (Kyla) known to many in the local community, who passed on May 31.  I met Kyla a few times over the years, and was always impressed by her laughter and her smile. Many thanks to Aislinn for organizing her memorial service.

July Birthdays: Lady Susan, Sean B, Caroline, Kerri T, Jen, and some of my Facebook friends.  Let me know if I’ve missed yours.

Happy Anniversary to Christine and Michael on July 25!

July Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only.  Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details.  If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me.

July 1: Canada Day.
Jul. 3, 12:52 p.m.:  Full (Buck) Moon. 
Jul. 4, 7:00 p.m.: Beyond the Book of Shadows Meetup Social Moot.  Info:
July 6-15: 100th Annual Get Out of Town Week. Gods know that I am…
Jul. 7, 7:30 p.m.: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info at cogcoa dot ab dot ca.
Jul. 13-15: COGCOA Summerfest Campout in K-Country. Info:
Jul. 17, 7:30 p.m.:  Calgary Witches’ Meetup in south Calgary. Info:
Jul. 18, 10:24 p.m.: New Moon. CelticTree Month of Tinne (Holly) begins.
Jul. 16-29: Calgary Folk Festival. Info:
Jul. 28, 7:30 p.m.: COGCOA Lammas Ritual.
Aug. 3-6:  Panfest at Pigeon Lake near Edmonton. “Alberta’s Premier Pagan Festival”. Info:  Registration open until June 30.
Aug. 3-11: Calgary Fringe Festival. Info:
Aug. 4 (tentative??): Calgary Pagan Pride Day at Edworthy Park.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Transit of Venus

Happy June, everybody.

On June 4, I joined Canada's major environmental organizations, together with leading charities, unions, bloggers, and others to speak out in defence of nature and democracy. Bill C-38, the omnibus Canadian budget bill, contains clauses designed to weaken many of Canada’s environmental protection measures in favour of business expediency, and to silence the voices of Canadian organizations that would seek to defend nature. Already David Suzuki has had to step down as head of the organization carrying his name in the name of Harper’s “political correctness”. I blacked out the Evergreen website and my Facebook profile, and directed people to the Black Out, Speak Out webpage at

On the brighter side, another astronomical rarity (there are so many!) occurred this month when Venus crossed (“transits”) in front of the Sun on June 5. It’s the second of an eight-year pairing, but the next one won’t be until 2117.  I followed the seven-hour transit at which I recently discovered covers live astronomical events.

Of course, the non-astronomical rarity this month is the Summer Solstice on June 20 – the last before the Mayan calendar runs out of rock in six months. Once again we’ll be up before dawn on the hillside in Strathcona to catch the Sun at the height of his power rising over Lake McDonald.  Dress warmly, as it can be windy, and afterwards we’ll go to Timmies for breakfast. Contact me for details.

June Birthdays: Rowan A., Bev T, Colleen W., Dawn L., Sierra L., Michelle B., Mimi, and some old guy.  Let me know if I’ve missed yours.

Happy Anniversary to Rikki and Gavin on June 21!

June Events:
Note these events are listed for information purposes only.  Dates and locations may be subject to change; see the source for details.  If I’ve missed anyone and you’d like to add to this listing, please contact me. All times Mountain.

Jun 1-3: Fraser Valley Bead Show at Coast Plaza Hotel. Info:
Jun. 2, 7:30 p.m.: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron. Info at cogcoa dot ab dot ca.
Jun. 3-9: Environment Week and Commuter Challenge. Info:
Jun. 4, 5:12 a.m.:  Full (Strawberry) Moon. 
Jun. 4: Speak Out, Black Out. Info:
Jun. 5, 4:04 p.m.: Transit of Venus begins.
Jun. 6, 7:00 p.m.: Beyond the Book of Shadows Meetup Social Moot at Rose and Crown.  Info:
Jun. 8-10: Galaxyfest in Vulcan, with guests Walter Koenig, Garrett Wang, Connor Trinneer, Arlene (T’Pring) Martel, and Alberta’s own Orion Slave Girl, Crystal Allen. Info:
Jun. 17: Father’s Day.
Jun. 19, 7:30 p.m.:  Calgary Witches’ Meetup hosted by moi, in north Calgary. Info:
Jun. 19, 9:02 a.m.: New Moon. CelticTree Month of Duir (Oak) begins.
Jun. 20, 4:45 a.m.: Solstice Sunrise Vigil.
Jun. 20, 5:09 p.m.: Summer Solstice.
Jun. 23, 7:30 p.m.: COGCOA Litha Ritual.
Jun. 28, 5:00 p.m.: Gaia Gathering Information Session with Sheena Mac. Location TBA. Info on Facebook.


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Sunday, June 03, 2012

Black Out, Speak Out