August, 2015
August Events:
Note these
events are listed for information purposes only. Dates and locations may be
subject to change; see the source for details. If I’ve missed anyone and you’d
like to add to this listing, please contact me. All times Mountain Daylight
Aug. 1, 7:30 pm: COGCOA Coffee Cauldron.
Aug. 3: Civic Holiday.
Aug. 7, 7:30 pm: Calgary Witches' Movie Night, at the Hawksnest. Terry Pratchett's animated The Wyrd Sisters.
Aug. 8-9: Brooks Medieval Faire.
Aug. 11: Perseids meteor shower peaks.
Aug. 14, 8:53 am: New Moon. Coll/Hazel lunar month begins.
Aug. 18, 7:30 pm: Calgary Witches' Meetup at Denny's in Motel Village.
Aug. 23, 1:00 pm: Cochrane Wiccan Meetup, hosted by moi, at Cochrane Coffee Traders.
Aug. 28, 7:30 pm: Calgary Witches' Full Moon Circle. Location to be announced.
Aug. 29, 12:35 pm: Full (Sturgeon) Moon .
Aug. 29, 1:00 pm: Calgary Heathen Meet & Greet. Info: Calgary Heathens on Facebook.
Sep. 5: Calgary Highland Games at Springbank Park for All Seasons.